SingularityU: technology and the soul

Divya Chander, a doctor and neuroscientist, is the guest on the seventh documentary programme Inspiring the Future - SingularityU Portugal

What is the soul? If we ask the doctor and neuroscientist Divya Chander this question, her answer will more than likely be based on science: we haven´t been able to define it and we don´t even know if it exists. However, there is one fact the scientist can´t ignore: all the spiritual disciplines focusing on the soul seem to tell us that there is a part of our conscience that persists and registers information.

This is one of the starting points for the thoughts of Divya Chander, one of the most highly respected researchers working on the impact of new technologies on the human brain. A Harvard graduate, she is currently on the teaching staff at the Stanford University anesthesia department. She began measuring the depth of the conscience of her patients in real time in 2009, using spectrograms that categorise the brain frequencies.

Divya Chander is the interviewee on the 7th episode of “Inspiring the Future - SingularityU Portugal”, a documentary series geared to the future, technology and thinking. Chander associates neuroscience with robotics in her presentations, explaining how the brain functions, the conscience, the neurological code and how we can connect the brain to machinery. She addresses the mapping of neurons, the recreation of dreams, the creation of memories and the use of ultrasound in the treatment of degenerative diseases.