November 2017. Two years ago, the Galp Foundation and ANEFA (National Association of Forestry, Agricultural and Environment Entities) joined forces to bring new hope to the land devastated by the fires that ravaged regions all over the country in the summer of that year. This led to the creation of the Land of Hope movement, whose goal is to plant 500,000 trees, an area equal to more than 600 football pitches, by 2020. Around 6500 volunteers have already invested considerable time and effort into making Portugal greener, with over 280,000 trees planted in different regions from north to south. The most recent initiative took place in Mata Nacional do Urso national park in Pombal (Leiria).
The movement is in full flow and new partnerships with a number of municipalities suggest that the initial goal will be met.
The infograph below illustrates the expressive figures registered in this environmental volunteer initiative.