The Galp energisers Summit has just started

Five stages, 36 speakers, 56 Speed Meetings between the executive committee and Galp energisers, plus 12 activities available throughout the day, including an immersive experience, the ability to 'go at light speed', charge mobile phones in power bikes or try the Galp Music Experience.

Galp energisers Summit started a few minutes ago at FIL, in Lisbon, with a musical moment based on the song Pride (In the name of Love) in the voice of Liza Veiga.

Galp’s annual meeting will bring together around 1000 energisers throughout the day. The discussion of strategic lines of the organization, the sharing of experiences and the anticipation and analysis of the challenges that can contribute to a successful future for Galp and its people are the strong themes of a day that can be followed via streaming by Galp employees in seven countries.