Ana Filipa Campos, Francisco Chagas, Nuno Chambel and Sandra Paiva are the names of the team members who volunteered to develop a project for the Educational Movement, when we were still a long way from the quarantine times. The challenge came from Sandra Aparício, head of the Galp Foundation and the Corporate Social Responsibility department, along with Ana Mendes, from the People Management department, and its goal was to find a team to develop a procurement process for a digital platform for Apps For Good, a technological partner of the Galp Educational Movement that fosters entrepreneurship in young people through technology and the promotion of the SDG.
They always speak as a team and highlight that their first reaction was believing that, together and with the knowledge of the administration and the support of their Leads, they could contribute to this initiative, and after getting to know the Apps for Good team, it was impossible to turn back. That’s when Ana, Francisco, Nuno and Sandra “learned of the generosity of the Apps for Good team” and the project’s goals.
“To take part in the development of the technological skills and abilities of future generations, using current and wide-ranging platforms for that purpose is not only an incentive, but also a responsibility, which we insisted on embracing”.
The Apps For Good programme is one of the projects developed by the CDI – Center of Digital Inclusion - a social and digital innovation and inclusion NGO, which arrived in Portugal in 2013 with the goal of changing lives through technology. They focus on digital literacy and the SDG, and they offer a full programme, through their online platform, where they provide free courses, technological tools and a network of “experts” who monitor and guide the groups throughout the various stages, according to the expertise and the needs.
João Baracho, Executive Manager of the CDI, stresses the importance of the project and praises the Galp team involved in Apps for Good since its inception:
“The development of the platform in Portugal represents a great responsibility and investment by CDI Portugal, which, as a small non-profit Association, doesn’t possess the skills required for a process of this nature. As such, we sought amongst our partners for someone who, in addition to knowledge of the procurement field, was more than a simple financial partner. And the Galp team has been an extraordinary partner!”.
This new platform will allow us to simplify processes and to make the Programme implementation model quicker and more integrated. The fact that it includes multiple languages and operates on all platforms will allow us to accelerate the international development and to operate it with any type of equipment – cell phone, tablet or PC.
Additionally, the fact that it is developed in Portugal will allow for greater agility in the introduction of contents and integrated management of the whole process, given that, up until this moment, we relied on the international team, based in the United Kingdom, for any adaptation.
Technology hand-in-hand, or elbow-in-elbow, with Rui Manuel Pereira
Rui Manuel Pereira, from the IT&Digital department, joined the team, in the broadest possible sense. He immediately accepted the challenge issued by Nuno Pedras, given that one of the motivations Rui found in the project is also a life motto for him “I always focus on learning and developing something every day”. At an early stage, Rui was tasked with sharing his expertise to provide a technical assessment of the tender bids, since the goal is to develop an online training technological platform.
In addition to trying, every day, to get to the end feeling that he gained some experience and knowledge, Rui is motivated by the well-being of others and by thinking that contributing in a positive way to someone else’s experience is his duty as well.
“The idea is to always try to make people feel that they gained something as well, being by my side. Whether it’s a word, or a technical assessment”, he concluded.
Rui believes in education as a means to change and transform people and the world, and that projects like Apps for Good have that power to change.
“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop”. That is how Rui describes the importance he attaches to volunteering, giving credit to the author, Mother Theresa, Rui stresses that “regardless of our faith, that is the importance. Every drop counts”.

To Pitch or not to Pitch, by Diogo Sousa
At a later stage of the Programme, and already experiencing the volunteering model in these challenging times of quarantine, Diogo Sousa is another Galp volunteer who is participating for the second time in the Apps for Good Project as an Expert. His first experience was last year, with the finalist teams of the Programme, but the motivation he shares, as he recalls his experience, has remained the same.
“It’s always a critical moment in the teams’ journey. At that time, in the endgame, climbing on to the stage. For a brief three minutes (that feel like three seconds), you need the skill to present your project effectively and to deliver the famous Pitch. It’s not an easy task for the young people in these teams to prepare a good storytelling. You have to conquer your nerves, convey the right messages and be prepared to clarify the more curious members of the jury”.
This time, Diogo was part of the online training for teachers in the 6th edition of the Programme, and his topic was once again “the art of the pitch”. With a difference, via Zoom, Diogo enjoyed the experience, stating that it was a privilege to be able to “share some of my stories about good and bad pitches. It was a debut and a great experience”.
What about you? How can you be an expert for these teams of teachers and young people?
The answer is simple and the quarantine is not an issue. The Apps for Good experts network has always been digital, so that conversations can take place in a more flexible way. You can find all information about what it means to be an EXPERT here - and how any person, within their field, can register.
Ana, Diogo, Francisco, Nuno, Sandra, Rui. What does this group of people have in common? It’s simple. They experience the Galp spirit and values, they believe in the power of education and, above all, the power that each of us has to make a change. Join them!