On its next issue, Prima magazine will launch the CovidGame, with the main purpose of providing good family moments. This is a board game that presents the topic of the moment – the new coronavirus – in a fun and casual way.
The truth is that this virus has given us an unimaginable reality: being locked up at home, with our everyday movements restricted, and not knowing how long it will last.
So, the aim of this game is to ensure that patience does not run out and that we occupy our time as a family in the best possible way. At the beginning of the game we start with 100% patience and when it reaches zero, we leave the house.
An activity to share with the best possible team: our family. And to teach how to take advantage of the positive things this new reality has brought us: being closer to those who are truly important in everyone's life.
We have one game to offer each Galp family. Don't miss this opportunity and request yours now by sending an email to comunicação.interna@galp.com.